Friday, August 13, 2010

Perceptions on Purpose

Can a person have purpose without it being created? Without them or someone or something else fashioning the circumstance that causes a person to choose a purpose or think to themselves,
“hey I know,
that’s for
that’s what I’ll do,
that’s what I’ll

What I mean to ask is, can true purpose just exist? Unequivocally? Irrevocably?

So you got to this earth and there was your purpose, shining resplendently like the North Star before your eyes. And the purpose was plain and it was certain and there were no questions or doubts surrounding it cos it was so complete and ideal and concrete. And you sped off without delay to fulfill it cos that’s your very reason for being. Can that be? Has anyone out there experienced that? Or is everyone as lost as I am? Cos EVERYONE I know that claim’s they’ve found purpose, has really just selected something they fancied and labeled it their ‘purpose’.

Do I have to just harden the fuck up and accept that that’s the way things are…or should I soldier on, endeavoring to find purpose no matter what? Maybe I’ll be the first to find it without creating it. Or, I could end up wasting an entire lifetime chasing something everyone else knows HAS to be created…and then I’ll die sad and purposeless at the end of it all with a heart full of regrets…

Ellen makes people laugh…that’s a great feature, but not a purpose.
Oprah gives people free stuff…that’s generosity, but not a purpose.
President Obama motivates a nation…that’s a skill, but not a purpose.

I’d love to ask these 3 what their true purpose is…Ellen, Oprah, Barrack, if any of you ever read this, please answer that question for me.

The apple tree makes apples which feed the land…now that’s a purpose.

“Looking good and dressing well is a necessity, Having a purpose in life is not.”
- Oscar Wilde -

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