Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Thoughts on Spirituality

Spirituality takes you away from the physical.
There's a fatal flaw in that, and that is that
you are a physical entity living in a physical world.

The key thing to understand here is that your time as a physical entity is limited..we know this to be a certainty.
The physical body must die, moreover, we could lose it at any time.
Now as I see it, when we die, one of 3 things could happen..1) We could simply cease to exist..or 2) we could continue to exist in a spirit form, or 3) we could continue to exist in a new physical form.
If 1 or 2 happen, the truth is this, you can no longer do anything physical. That means you'll be forced to be spiritual (or nothing at all if case 1 is true).
Only case 3 provides the perfect expansion pack, gives you a reason to seek enlightenment and most importantly, gives you hope that the things you do here today could possibly affect you in another lifetime.

Given all the knowns in this situation, including the fact that there is only a 33.33% chance of case 3 happening, the most sensible conclusion would be that we should make the most of the limited time we have in the physical world by saturating ourselves in the joys of all things physical.

Leave spirituality for when you are a spirit.

For now, spend time engaging your senses and optimizing your body, including your brain.
Feel excitement, wonder and enthusiasm.
Watch a 3D movie, inhale the sea breeze, kiss your lover, hug your child.
Soak up the sun, ride a rollercoaster, relish a delicacy, dress to impress.
Gaze in amazement at the Rayleigh scattering on a bright day in a free atmosphere.
Listen to the wisdom of your grandparents and the sounds created by great artists.
Eat your mum's home-cooked food.

And if being spiritual makes you physically happy, then be that too, but don't be taken too far away from the's a wonderful, wonderful world.

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